Online Mindfulness for Health Course  

Tuesdays 6.45-9pm 13th July to 31st August 2021

Taster session 6.45-8pm Tuesday 29th July 2021


Do you suffer from persistent pain, illness or any other condition such as chronic fatigue or stress that significantly affects your health? The award-winning Breathworks Mindfulness for Health course teaches you mindfulness skills to help you improve your quality of life and your health. 

Beyond the primary symptoms associated with pain and chronic health conditions, comes a layer of secondary suffering relating to stress, anxiety and low-mood. Research tells us that this secondary suffering turns up the volume on primary symptoms.  On the Mindfulness for Health course you'll be working with – and dissolving – this secondary layer of suffering, significantly improving your levels of wellbeing.  

Course content

You'll do this over the course of eight-weeks by learning to:

  • Breath into the present moment and find choice in how you respond to the ups and downs of living with stress, pain and illness

  • Reconnect with your body through gentle mindful movement and breath awareness

  • Bring your daily routine back into balance through mindful pacing and energy management

  • Cultivate a deeper sense of compassion with, and connectedness towards, yourself and others

During the course you'll be engaging in various activities to foster mindfulness and compassion. These include formal meditation practices, as well as small things you can do in the midst of daily life, such as doing a routine task mindfully, taking a break or slowing down. 

Mindfulness for Health has an excellent evidence base and studies show that by dissolving this secondary layer of suffering, primary symptoms can be significantly reduced and – in some cases – recede altogether. 


Currently courses are being delivered virtually via Zoom.

Each class last 2 hours plus a 15 minute break.

Materials, including Mindfulness for Health and MP3 files, aren’t included and can be purchased for £12.50 by clicking here.

BREATHWORKS programmes and products are a development of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) adapted to suit the needs of those with chronic pain, illness or stress and founded on practice-based research. Our research on the clinical benefits of mindfulness revealed that across all scales measured (mood, pain experience, quality of life, catastrophising, and confidence in activity despite pain), the Breathworks approach showed statistically and clinically significant improvement.