“How Can Mindfulness Help with MS?” The Multiple Sclerosis Trust 2019

Breathworks mindfulness teacher Benedict Hoff discusses mindfulness and MS. Find out more at


“How To Anchor Yourself: Mindfulness-Based Chemsex Recovery” (Aug 2019)

books & chapters

Mindfulness-Based Approaches to Working with Chemsex Behaviours in Psychotherapy (Chapter 12)

“This chapter speaks from the perspective of “new wave” approaches to addiction recovery and compulsive sexual behaviours, exploring how a mindfulness-based and sexology-informed approach to working with chemsex behaviours can address this unique presentation in a way that is inclusive, non-pathologising, trauma-aware and sex-positive. It is intended as a practical guide for therapists, illustrated with clinical examples.”

Mindfulness in the City: Taking Notice As Therapeutic Practice (Chapter 4)

“In Chapter 4, Benedict Hoff and Richard Phillips are engaged in another piece of action research […] Growing out of Richard’s research into curiosity and ‘taking notice’ - one of five ways to mental wellbeing endorsed by the government - they looked into the benefits of mindfulness in an urban environment. Participants in three workshops held in different parts of London were given formal practice in mediation to develop the necessary skills of ‘taking notice’ before walking in the city. The outcomes point not only to a greater sensory attunement but also to an increased tolerance of the challenging aspects of the environment, suggesting that therapeutic landscapes are not necessarily located in attractive rural places but are a function of the way we relate to them” - Chris Rose.

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Reprojecting the City: Urban Space and Dissident Sexualities in Latin American Cinema (Legenda 2017)

“The four film-analysis chapters are very well pitched, deftly teasing out the representations of sexual identities manifested through the relationships mediated by the differing geopolitical urban scenarios... Hoff’s monograph is a valuable contribution to the study of sexuality in contemporary Latin-American cinemas as well as to the aesthetics and geopolitics of cinematic space. It will be valuable to researchers in the field and, because of its accessibility, to undergraduate students of South American cinema.’
— Sheldon Penn, Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies 2.2, 2018, 339-40

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The Black Body Reframed: Lazaro Ramos and the Performance of Interracial Love (Chapter 13).

“Ben Hoff’s chapter discusses Lazaro Ramos, one of the most successful black actors of the last two decades, and a start who effortlessly crosses the boundaries between the media of television and cinema, and between popular genres and edge art-house cinema. The focus of Hoff’s analysis in in particular how the films in which Ramos appears negotiate the contentious subject of interracial love (both homosexual and heterosexual) and also how Ramos’s star persona is primarily defined through his physical appearance” — Tim Bergfelder (ed.)


Hoff et al. (2020) Mindfulness-Based Chemsex Recovery: Research and Evaluation Report (Spectra/Public Health England HIV Innovation Fund).